March 2023 Agenda
Kexby Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 8th March 2023 at 6:30pm
1. Apologies for absence
2. Approve minutes of meeting held on 11th January 2023
3. Matters arising
a) Email addresses
b) Youth activities
4. Correspondence
a) Village Hall request for financial assistance with floor maintenance
5. Financial Report
6. Local elections 4th May
7. Coronation 6th May
8. Jubilee Tree
9. Quickline
a) Footpaths and verges
b) Planning issues
10. Solar Farms update
11. Clerk’s pay and expenses
12. Annual Parish Meeting
13. Any Other Business
14. Next meeting will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 18th May at 6:30 to be followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7:30 pm