The Kexby Parish Council is made up of 7 elected, unpaid, volunteer members - comprising a Chairperson, Vice-Chair and 5 members - who work for the benefit of the community and all local residents. The Parish Council is fully accountable and subject to detailed audit.
The Clerk to the Parish Council is a paid, part time employee.
Meetings of the Kexby Parish Council are held every alternate month, starting in January. They normally start at 7.30pm in the village hall on the second Wednesday of the month, but this is flexible to suit the availability of Councillors and the Clerk. Actual dates are published on the village notice board, along with the agenda, at least a week in advance of each meeting. Currently meetings are being held remotely due to Coronavirus restrictions. Residents may attend full council meetings and can speak briefly on village matters at the commencement of the meeting under "Parishioners Items".
Kexby Parish Council composition and function
The Parish Council is the most local form of local government, members are elected every four years or when a vacancy occurs. The role is entirely voluntary and unpaid but much of the administration work is undertaken by the Parish Clerk who does receive renumeration. The Parish Clerk is not a member of the Parish Council but is employed by them. Kexby is entitled to elect 7 Parish Councillors.
In common with other local government elections held in May on a four-year cycle, notice of the election is posted in advance and nominations invited. Existing Councillors are eligible for re-election but must be nominated in the same way as anyone else. If there are more nominations that posts available there must be an election, if only seven nominations are received members are elected without a ballot. If a member stands down part way through their term notice of the vacancy must be posted in the village, if eleven people from the electoral register request a ballot then the election process for that one position is instigated. If fewer than seven nominations are received in the normal election cycle, or if no election is requested to fill a vacancy, the Parish Council may co-opt anyone from the electoral role to fill the vacancy. The parish is responsible for any election expenses.
The main source of funding for Parish Councils comes in the form of a precept from the District Council, in Kexby’s case West Lindsey District Council. The Parish Council is required to submit an estimate in November each year, the actual amount has to be confirmed in January and the money is paid into the bank on 1st April. Any major items of expenditure therefore have to be predicted at least six months in advance. The precept is funded through the Council Tax so the larger the precept required the greater the Council Tax for residents of the parish.
Kexby is fortunate in that the Parish Council owns a cottage (28 High Street), the rent from this property also provides finance for the Parish Council. It also owns a small allotment behind the sports pavilion but the rent from this is minimal.
The main regular expenses for the Parish Council are insurances (damage to public property, public liability and building insurance for the cottage), the Clerk’s pay and expenses and grass mowing. Given the age of the cottage there is also the risk of major expenditure occurring there.
The financial year runs from 1st April to 31st March, the accounts then have to be audited by an internal auditor before being submitted to the external auditors. In normal times (when there are no Covid restrictions) a financial report is given at the Annual Parish Meeting in May where residents can question the Clerk (who also acts as treasurer). In the absence of a meeting the balance sheet is posted on the village notice board. There is also a 30 day period during which time residents can inspect the accounts, this is known as “Exercise of Public Rights” and is usually around July, August. The dates are published on the village notice board and on the website.
The Parish Council is responsible for much of the infrastructure of the village; seats, telephone box, defibrillators, village green, bus shelters, etc. They have the right to be consulted over planning permissions but the decisions rest with West Lindsey District Council (WLDC). They can make representation to both WLDC and Lincolnshire County Council on behalf of residents for issues over which they have no direct jurisdiction.
Kexby Parish Council shares responsibility with Upton Parish Council for the village hall, sports field and burial ground but each of these is managed by its own management committee. There are a number of temporary allotments at the burial ground which are available to both Upton and Kexby residents. These are managed by the Burial Ground Authority and the income from them goes towards the maintenance of the burial ground.
All enquiries about this website or content, please contact the Kexby Parish Clerk at geoff.kexbypc@btinternet.com.