January 2023 Agenda
Kexby Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 11th January 2023 at 6:30pm
1. Apologies for absence
2. Approve minutes of meeting held on 9th November 2022
3. Clerk’s Report on progress since last meeting
4. Matters arising that are still outstanding
a. Email addresses
b. Village Hall savings account
c. 7,000 acre group response to solar developments
5. Correspondence
a) LIVES - funding request (we donated £150 in January 2022)
b) WLDC - Elections May 2023
c) Playing field – request for maintenance grant
6. Financial Report
a) Current financial position
b) Confirm 2023 precept and sign off paperwork
c) Banking arrangements
7. Cottage insurance – due for renewal in January, (expires 5th February), it is currently insured “without accidental loss or damage” but just a rebuilding cost of £167,739 with the NFU. Last year the premium was £341.76 less a “Mutual Bonus saving” of £53.85 making £297.10 paid.
8. Date and format of Annual Parish Meeting (May)
- village hall should be free Thursday evenings as bowling finishes in April
- do we require speaker?
- in previous years the WI have provided refreshments but there was no take-up last year
9. Any Other Busines
10. Date of next meeting – Wednesday 8th March at 6:30pm?