July 2019 Minutes


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th July 2019

Present; R. Gore (Chair), S. Farrow, C. Cuckson, L. Hoggarth, D. Edwardson, D.Forrest

In attendance; Councillor Jessie Milne

36/19 Apologies; were accepted from C. Hunt who had sent a report which the clerk read out;

Facebook now has 86 members who are starting to engage a query had been raised about whether the data from the speed camera was sent to the police. They were told that all data is analysed and the recording is fully supported by the police.

Cross wires meant that the newsletter did not get onto facebook but this will be rectified next time. The newsletter was very informative and helpful and she passed on her thanks to Gerry Forrest for producing it.

37/19 Minutes of meeting held on 15th May had been circulated, were agreed as a true record and signed off by the chairman.

38/19 Clerk’s Report on progress since last meeting had been circulated and was accepted, most of the actions arising from the last meeting had been completed but there were a few on-going issues which would be dealt with under the next agenda item.

39/19 Outstanding issues

a) Telephone box – the clerk would arrange a site meeting between the person who had offered to lay the plinth, Chris Petty and the Chairman to agree what was required and to set a date for the work. The Clerk would then liaise with British Gas and LCC Highways regarding
the date.

Action GP

b) Former site of phone box – it was the wrong time of the year to be sowing grass seed, this would be dealt with in the autumn.

c) VE Day 75 – Upton Parish Council had not seen the details of this but the Clerk had now forwarded them on. Their Parish Council was due to meet the following week at which a decision on a joint event would be discussed. The village hall committee had offered the use
of the hall free of charge for the event.

d) Neighbourhood Plan – the Chairman had arranged for a telephone conversation between himself, the Chairman of the working group and Janet Clark from Community Lincs for 12th July to discuss the next steps. He was also in the process of arranging a meeting with Mel 
Banham of Sturton-by-Stow Parish council to discuss their joint plan with Stow. Members of the working group had been circulated regarding availability and the Chairman would contact Upton Parish Council to see if they would like to send representatives.

Action RG

e) Speed Indicator Device – data had been successfully downloaded for June, it had yet to be fully analysed but at least one vehicle had been recorded at 75mph with many in excess of 50mph. Councillor Milne provided contact details at Lincolnshire Highways for people who
should be able to help with data interpretation and analysis. The Chairman agreed to meet with the Clerk to look at the latest set of data to decide the best way to proceed.

Action GP/RG

40/19 Correspondence – a list of recent correspondence was circulated along with details of regular communications, which were normally checked by the Clerk and any relevant issues raised with members. The Clerk asked members to let him know if they would like him to forward any of these regular communications so that they could read them in full.

Action all members

Other items discussed;

a) LALC training event “The route to Neighbourhood Planning” – it was felt that the working group was getting sufficient support from Janet Clark.

b) Village Hall AGM – CC and LH had attended and they presented a set of the accounts to the meeting. There was quite a large balance in the investment account as they were working towards building an extension to be used specifically as a meeting room. The Chairman had resigned and it had not been possible to elect a replacement at the AGM. One of the trustees would take over responsibility until a Chairman was appointed.

41/19 Financial Report – there was a balance of £4,153 in the current account and £2,013 in the Business Reserve account. The only transaction since the last meeting had been an invoice from WLDC for election expenses of £113.34. This related to the local elections on May 2nd since there were no other nominations in Kexby the existing members had been re-elected in an uncontested election.

The budget was still showing a healthy predicted end of year balance.

42/19 Any Other Business

a) Broadband – LCC had sent details of two new funding schemes which the Chairman had researched but felt that they were probably not appropriate for Kexby. Councillor Milne said that she had been lobbying WLDC to support better broadband supply to the rural villages. It
was agreed that the Clerk would write to Ian Noakes at WLDC to stress the need for better broadband connectivity in the parish.

Action GP

43/19 Time and Place of next meeting – confirmed as 7:30 on 5th September in the village hall

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8:20pm