March 2019 Minutes


Minutes of a meeting held on 14th March 2019

These minutes are in draft form and may be amended

Present; R. Gore (Chair), C. Cuckson (Vice Chair), L. Hoggarth, D. Forrest, D. Edwardson, C. Hunt

In attendance; Councillor Jessie Milne and one parishioner

12/19 Apologies were accepted from S. Farrow

13/19 Minutes of the meeting held on 7th January were approved and signed

14/19 Clerk’s Report had been circulated and was accepted;

 Telephone box markers had been placed on the village green to indicate the proposed site of the foundations and path. The foundations would be five feet square but the box itself would be about three feet square. Councillors were asked to check the siting, if no concerns
were raised the clerk would contact Cadent (British Gas) and Lincolnshire Highways for final confirmation of permission to proceed.

Action; all councillors, GP

 Cottage electrical problem the question of which maintenance and repair jobs were the responsibility of the landlord and which of the tenant was raised. The tenancy agreement should contain this information and the chairman agreed to check this as part of the annual
landlord check which was imminent.

Action RG

15/19 Outstanding issues

1. Neighbourhood Plans six people had volunteered to form a working group, The Parish Council agreed that it should go ahead. It would be independent of the Parish Council but they would endeavour to send a representative to the meetings and the working group would report back to the Parish Council. The clerk was asked to contact Janet Clark regarding her availability for an inaugural meeting and to liaise with the working group volunteers.

Action GP

LH asked what the financial implications would be for the Parish Council, it would not create a financial burden as grants were available to cover the costs.

2. Landlord check 28 High Street to be conducted by the chairman at 5:00pm on Thursday 21st March.

Action RG

The clerk would forward the form used in previous years to the chairman and would notify the tenant of the date and time.

Action GP

3. Magazine it was felt that “magazine” was a rather grand title for what was required, the term “news-sheet” was thought to be more appropriate as this could be printed in-house thus reducing cost. Mrs Forrest had agreed to put it together if provided with the content. It was suggested that timing publication to coincide with Upton would enable village organisations to provide updates to both parishes simultaneously. The clerk agreed to coordinate this.

Action GP

16/19 Local elections these were due to be held on Thursday 2nd May, notices had been posted around the village and on the website from the 12th March as required. It was suggested that notice should also be posted on facebook and CH agreed to use the wording on the website for the facebook entry.

Action CH

Nomination papers had been provided for existing Parish Council members should they wish to stand again, these were circulated. The papers had to be delivered to WLDC by hand and by appointment by 4pm on Wednesday 3rd April. The clerk offered to take them all in together if required for efficiency. Councillors wishing to take advantage of this offer were asked to complete their forms and return to the clerk by Friday 22nd March. The forms required an electoral number, this was obtainable from WLDC and the clerk offered to do this to save everyone having to ring WLDC.

Action all councillors, GP

17/19 Correspondence

1. British Gas (Cadent) The clerk agreed to submit a “scheduled works” enquiry providing the Parish Councillors were satisfied with the proposed siting of the telephone box.

Action GP

2. Highways a member of the public had complained to Lincolnshire Highways about the state of repair left when the telephone box was removed. They had suggested that the footpath had been disrupted. The council disputed the fact since the position of the box was such that there was no continuous footpath. The chairman would contact Lincolnshire Highways regarding the matter.

Action RG

3. Grass verge cutting a letter had been received from WLDC outlining the limited grass mowing now being undertaken by Lincolnshire County Council. It offered the opportunity to be included in a specification going out to tender for the cutting of amenity areas. Since the
sports-field was the main amenity area and a cutting regime was already in place no action was deemed necessary.

18/19 Financial update the revised budget was circulated, discussed and accepted. VAT had not yet been reclaimed due to technical issues around obtaining the correct form. The clerk was dealing with this but proposed that it was now deferred until April to avoid complications at the financial year end. This was agreed.

Action GP

19/19 Clerks pay a timesheet had been circulated in advance, this was approved for payment.

20/19 Any Other Business

1. Speed Indicator Device there were still problems with the downloading programme supplied by Unipart Dorman. They had sent out a technician who had spent one and a half hours with the clerk but had been unable to sort out the problem. He had promised to
inform head office who would undertake to sort it out. The clerk would continue to chase this up.

Action GP

2. Radar guns Councillor Milne said that she and the MP had discussed road safety with the Assistant Chief Constable. She had promised that, where communities were successfully using the Speed Indicator Devices, hand held speed guns could be provided to identify persistent offenders. The Parish Council agreed that this could be a useful progression once the current issues had been resolved.

21/19 Annual Parish Meeting this was scheduled for Wednesday 15th May at 7:30pm, the village hall had been booked. There would be a presentation/consultation regarding the Neighbourhood Plan.

22/19 Date and time of next Parish Council Meeting this would be the Annual General Meeting at which election of officers would take place. It would precede the Annual Parish Meeting and would therefore take place in the village hall at 6:30pm on Wednesday 15th May.

There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9:10pm.