May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting
Kexby Annual Parish Meeting May 2019
Minutes of a meeting held in the village hall on Wednesday 15th May 2019 These minutes are in draft form and may be altered
Parish Councillors present; Ron Gore (Chair), Claire Hunt, Clare Cuckson, Sue Farrow, Lee Hoggarth, David Edwardson.
In attendance; Councillor Jessie Milne (WLDC), Janet Clark (Community Lincs) 9 parishioners from Kexby. An invitation to attend the talk on Neighbourhood Planning had been extended to residents of Upton and 8 parishioners attended for this part of the meeting.
Neighbourhood Planning – Janet Clark gave a presentation along the lines of that presented to Kexby Parish Council in January (copy attached) and addressed questions from the floor;
• Given that parishes can apply for a grant of up to £9K to develop a plan, if Upton and Kexby undertook a joint Plan would they be eligible for £18K? No, the main grant would still be limited to £9K but other grants were available if required although, given the size of the two parishes, shortage of funding was unlikely to be an issue.
• There was currently a planning application being considered for Kexby, if the outcome of this went against the proposals in the Plan could the decision be reversed? No, the Plan would only influence future developments.
• Would the development of a Plan make it easier to attract funding for community developments in the villages? Yes, the Plan would need to have robust evidence to back up any such proposals and that evidence would be very valid in future funding applications.
The Chairman thanked Janet for her input and for providing a display about Neighbourhood Planning. He invited parishioners from both villages to partake of refreshments provided by the WI and to look at the display and take time for informal discussion.
Kexby Parish Council expressed their gratitude to Upton and Kexby WI for providing the refreshments, and to Sue Farrow for finding additional supplies.
Upton residents then left and Kexby continued with the formal part of their meeting.
1. Apologies – were accepted from David Forrest.
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 10th May 2018 – these were read out, agreed as a true record and signed off by the Chairman.
3. Matters arising
a) Phone box – had been removed and renovation work had started. The Parish Council had discussed re-glazing at their earlier meeting and had agreed that toughened glass should be used rather than polycarbonate since glass was not subject to deterioration. A generous donation had been received from a parishioner which would help with the cost of refurbishment. The Parish Council were most grateful to Chris Petty and Edward Good for all the work that they had undertaken on the renovation.
b) Drains on Glentworth Road – the replacement of the old clay pipes had still not taken place, because it was a small job it was low priority at a time of tight budgets.
c) Website – this was now up and running although still in need of further development, a facebook page had also been launched thanks to Claire Hunt and could be accessed under Kexby News Forum. It currently had over 80 “likes”.
d) Car parking – Lincolnshire Highways had acknowledged that there was a real issue on Glentworth Road to the east of the village where traffic had to go onto the verge to pass parked cars on a regular basis. They agreed to consider tarmacking this area if funds could be found.
4. Chairman’s Report – this was circulated and will be placed on the village website.
5. Finance Report – copies of the balance sheet were circulated and the Clerk explained any discrepancies between 2018 and 2019. The accounts had been passed by the Internal Auditor and the relevant pages of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return would be posted on the village website and noticeboard. A period for the Exercise of Public Rights would take place during late June and early July when parishioners would have the right to inspect the accounts. Details of dates and locations would be posted on the village notice board, the website and Kexby News Forum.
6. Open Forum
a) Phone box volunteers – further volunteers would be welcome to assist with the renovation in particular it would be very helpful to attract someone with carpentry skills.
b) Speed Indicator Device – volunteers to help with installation and removal at the end of each month were urgently required. It was only about a 20 minute job but required people who were confident lifting weight whilst on a set of steps. Mrs Carter said that Richard would be willing to help but further offers would still be appreciated.
There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 20:50