January 2025 DRAFT Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th January 2025
These minutes are in draft form and may be altered
Present: R. Gore (Chair), D. Strollo, J. Scott, C. Cuckson, L. Hoggarth
In attendance: Cllr. Butroid (LCC), G. Payne (Clerk) 
Apologies: had been received from Cllr. Bailey
25/01 Approval of minutes of meeting held on 20th November 2024 – these had been circulated and were approved as a true record, (proposed DS, seconded JS) and signed off by the Chairman.
25/02 Clerk’s Report on progress since last meeting – details had been circulated to update members on the progress of various issues, there were no questions and the report was accepted as a true record.
25/03 Outstanding Matters arising from the minutes;
a) Email addresses – there were still issues regarding access to the new email accounts, invoices had been received for setting up the system and for the monthly administration fees. It was agreed that payment would be deferred until the system was working satisfactorily. It was also agreed that CC and GP would meet up later in the week with DS who could contact the suppliers to advise on the installation procedure.         Action CC, DS, GP
b) Seat on village green – the new seat was in place, the existing one had been advertised on the website and on the village notice board but no offers had been received. CC said that she would have it if no one else wanted it and it was agreed that this was the best solution to save the Parish Council from having to dispose of it.
c) Parish Cottage – two estimates had so far been received for the renovation of the bathroom, £7,700 and £8,800, because it was a major item of expenditure a third estimate would be required. It had been agreed that the current tenancy would come to an end when the cottage had to be vacated for the renovation work to take place. The existing tenant had expressed an interest in taking on the new tenancy and it was agreed that he should be given first refusal.
There was some discussion as to whether Parish Councils were obliged to require a deposit as was the case for private landlords. Cllr. Butroid found something on the internet which suggested this may not be the case but the wording was rather vague. The Chairman agreed to seek professional advice on the matter and report back to the next meeting. Action RG
The Chairman had spoken to the tenant who informed him that his son, who was living with him, would be taking some examinations this summer. It was agreed that they should not be asked to vacate the property at such a critical time in his education and that the work should be deferred until July.
d) Vacancy on the Council – the Clerk had put up fresh notices around the village, including down Kexby Lane, asking if anyone would be willing to be co-opted on to the Council but no responses had been forthcoming.  CC said that her neighbour had been living abroad but was due to return to reside in Kexby and may be willing to stand.  The Clerk reminded members that he would need to make sure that his name was on the electoral register in order to be eligible. CC agreed to sound him out upon his return.     Action CC
e) Computer – the replacement laptop was working well and was much quicker than the previous model. This had been retained to ensure that everything had transferred successfully. The Clerk was confident that this was the case and it was agreed that the old laptop should be taken to Linc IT who would ensure that the hard drive was cleaned and re-cycle the laptop if possible.    Action GP 
25/04 Financial Report
a) Current position and financial control – a new 35 day withdrawal savings account had been opened which would attract better interest that the Business Reserve account. It was agreed that the Business Reserve account should remain open with a small balance that could be transferred to the current account at short notice should this be required. The Clerk presented the balance in the three accounts along with a breakdown of all transactions since the previous meeting.
Having moved to internet banking there was no longer the control of two Parish Councillors having to sign cheques. It was agreed that a new policy was required to ensure financial control, the Clerk had drafted out a suggestion which was accepted, this would be added to the policy section of the website.     Action GP
b) 2025 Precept – it was agreed that the £2,000 figure submitted as the provisional estimate was still appropriate, the final request was signed off and the Clerk would ensure that it was submitted by the deadline.  Action GP
25/05 Correspondence
a) Post Office – one resident had been under the impression that the reason for the removal of the post office was that one would be required for the asylum seekers at Scampton and had asked whether Kexby was likely to get the provision back now that these plans had been scrapped. The Clerk had informed him that this had not been the reason given to the Parish Council and that they had been informed that there would not be a replacement service in the foreseeable future. 
b) Christmas tree lights – a request had been received from Upton Church for support towards the Christmas tree and lights which had been erected in the churchyard for the benefit of both villages. Support had been given in previous years and it was agreed to make a donation of £25.     Action GP
c) LALC (Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils) Annual subscription – the renewal was due and would be £158.38 for the year. It was agreed that membership was very important and the Clerk was authorised to make the payment.    Action GP
d) Cottage insurance – this was due for renewal by 5th February, the fee this year was £618.76, an increase of around 15%. It was agreed that this should be paid and the Clerk was authorised to make the payment.     Action GP
e) Severnside – an offer to provide a training course on the use of the defibrillators had been received, notices had been put in previous parish newsletters asking for anyone interested in a course to contact the Clerk. No interest had been received so it was agreed not to take this any further.
f) Cottage garden flooding – recent heavy rain had once again caused the garden to flood but members were confident that, given the levels in the garden, water would run out onto the road before the property was in danger of flooding.
25/06 Any Other Business
a) Footpath on village green – the Clerk had reported the rotted off fence posts to LCC who were currently looking into the matter. Cllr. Butroid asked the Clerk to keep him informed of progress.     Action GP
b) Drain at end of Britannia Mill drive – the resident who’s mother had slipped on mud caused by the blocked drain had contacted the Clerk for an update. A response had been received from LCC to say that the work had been scheduled but recent flooding incidents had put extra pressure on their services. Cllr Butroid agreed to keep chasing this.   Action Cllr. Butroid
Date of next meeting confirmed as Wednesday 19th March 6:30 in the Committee Room