November 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th November 2024
Present: R. Gore (Chair), D. Strollo, J. Scott, L. Hoggarth
In attendance: Cllr. Bailey (WLDC), G. Payne (Clerk) 
Apologies: had been received from C. Cuckson, D. Forrest
37/24 Approval of minutes of meeting held on 5th September 2024 – these had been circulated and were approved as a true record, (proposed DS, seconded JS) and signed off by the Chairman.
38/24 Matters arising;
a) Traffic speed – reduction of speed limit on the current 40mph stretch to 30mph had been advertised by LCC with a deadline of 12th December for any objections. LCC were not prepared to extend the restriction to cover the corner of Willingham Road and Kexby Lane as this was “not within the survey area”. Cllr. Butroid was not present to report on his discussion with Richard Fenwick (LCC) regarding the Parish Council’s concerns, the Clerk was asked to contact Cllr. Butroid to ascertain the outcome.                                        Action GP
b) Email addresses – DS had arranged for members of the Parish Council and the Clerk to move to Gov.UK email addresses for Parish Council business. The Clerk had attempted to initiate his new address without success. It was agreed that the Chairman would host a meeting with the Clerk and DS in his office at 2:00pm on Tuesday 3rd December                                                   Action RG/DS/GP
c) Telephone Box – Chris Petty had advised that it would be too damp to paint before the spring now as oil-based paint required too long to dry. The Clerk would liaise with Chris in the spring.                        Action GP
d) Seat on village green – it was agreed that a design with three back supports would be preferable, the Chairman agreed to follow this up and get some prices.                                Action RG    
e) Tillbridge Solar – the 7000 acre group continued to keep the Parish Council updated, the Clerk would continue to forward their emails to keep members informed.
f) Village Hall request for funding – a request had been received at the previous meeting at which time a proposal of £750 had been made but, because of other potential financial commitments, the Clerk had been asked to check the budget before a decision was taken. The Clerk reported that the budget showed the Parish Council breaking even at the end of the financial year having included this £750. It was agreed to go ahead with the £750 contribution which the Clerk was authorised to pay.                                            Action GP 
g) Gate Burton Energy Park – there was considerable discussion around the safety of the Battery Energy Storage System [BESS]. Cllr. Bailey told the meeting that similar discussions had been held at WLDC and encouraged members to access the WLDC planning meeting video to get first hand knowledge of what planning officers felt they were able to do.
As consent  was being given to the solar farm developments there would be money available for local community projects, members were encouraged to consider whether there were any such projects which might benefit from this.

39/24 Parish Cottage
a)    Gas & electric checks – these had now been completed
b)    Letter to tenant regarding proposed maintenance work – the tenant had responded positively to the upgrading proposal and was likely to take up the offer of a new tenancy at a higher rent once the work had been completed. No estimates had yet been received for the work required on the bathroom, as a major capital expenditure three estimates would be required. The Chairman agreed to continue to pursue this and to keep members informed of cost and timescale.                                Action RG

40/24  Vacancy – following discussion with the Clerk Mia Stallman felt that family commitments would make it difficult for her to commit the time she would like to being a parish councillor and had therefore decided not to pursue it at this time. Lee Hoggarth had been asked to reconsider her resignation as this would cause a double vacancy, she agreed to continue as a parish councillor. There still remained one vacancy to fill, the Clerk had recently spoken to Sue Farrow whom, he felt, may be willing to return now that her health had improved, he was asked to sound her out about being co-opted.                                                    Action GP 

41/24 Financial Report – the finances remained in a strong position, but there were several major expenses in the pipeline. £5,000 had been transferred from the current account into the Business Reserve Account as agreed at the previous meeting.
a)    Precept – deadline for submission of the estimate for 25/26 was 22nd November, it was agreed that a request for £2,000 should be submitted.                                        Action GP
b)    On-line banking – this had now been set up by CC who had agreed to set up a 35 Day Notice Liquidity Manager account so that the money in the Business Reserve account could be transferred to get a higher interest rate.
She had also agreed to create a mandate to add DS as a signatory.                   Action CC

42/24  Correspondence
a)    Glentworth Road Drains – some tree roots had been removed from the drain by the water treatment works and the pipes lined to prevent re-occurrence. This appeared to be satisfactory following recent heavy rain. There was an issue of water coming up through a manhole opposite 9 Glentworth Road, this had been investigated but it was a “capacity issue” and no further action was possible.
b)    Playing Field request for maintenance grant – a request had been received for a grant towards the maintenance of the sports field, a £700 grant had been paid in recent years. DS proposed that the same amount should be paid this year, seconded by LH and agreed unanimously. The Clerk was authorised to make a payment of £700.                                                Action GP
c)    Planning Application Britannia Mill – to demolish existing shed and erect three dormer bungalows.  The Chairman declared an interest in this item and offered to withdraw from the meeting. The proposal had already been discussed at the outline planning stage and, since none of the members present had any objections, it was felt unnecessary to discuss it further.
d)    Lithium-ion batteries – an update had been received, the Government had introduced their own Bill called the Product and Metrology Bill. This covered many of the aspects of the proposed Private Member’s Bill which would be reduced in scope accordingly. However. The Government’s Bill did not appear to cover the issue of disposal which would remain in the Private Member’s Bill.
e)    Lincolnshire Police survey invitation – this had been circulated to members who were asked to consider completing it on a personal basis.

43/24  Any Other Business
a)    Dog fouling – a complaint had been received about people failing to clear up after their dogs and leaving bags in hedge bottoms on High Street. The Clerk had put up a poster in the vicinity reminding dog owners of their responsibilities. There had been a very useful discussion regarding the powers of the WLDC’s Environmental Enforcement Officers in respect of this full details of which were filed at Parish Meetings/WLDC Environmental Officers November 2024.
b)    Parish Council computer – the Parish Council computer was seven years old and had become rather slow, DS proposed that it should be updated, seconded by RG and agreed unanimously. The Chairman agreed to contact Linc IT to see if they had a reconditioned model that would be suitable. The Council authorised the Chairman to go ahead with such a purchase if this was the case.

Future Meeting Dates -it was agreed that the next meeting would be held at 6:30pm on Wednesday 15th January 2025. Provisional dates for the remainder of the year would be the third Wednesday of each month.