May 2022 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting
Annual Parish Council Meeting
Thursday 19th May 2022 at 6:30 in the village hall, to be followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7:30pm
1. Apologies for absence – Cllr. Claire Hunt
2. Election of officers – Chair and Vice Chair
3. Approve minutes of meeting held on 9th March 2022
4. Matters arising
a. Broadband
b. Parish cottage, renewal of tenancy agreement
c. Platinum Jubilee
d. Footpath Kexby Lane – complaint received regarding state of repairs
e. Post Office
f. Fly tipping – finally been cleared
g. Potholes – more repairs done on Glentworth Road but bridge over Till still a problem
h. Post box – has been painted
i. Jubilee tree
5. Defibrillator – unit on the village hall is out of commission, the battery and pads have expired and there is a 14 – 16 week waiting list for replacements. In the past these have been immediately available but there are currently supply issues.
6. Correspondence
a. Jack Bowles – copy of a letter sent to WLDC regarding litter
b. Kexby Lane resident – complaint about poor repairs to footpath
c. Lincs and Notts “Ride of Thanks” – Sunday 4th September to raise money for Air Ambulance and Emergency Blood Bikes Service.
d. Voluntary Engagement Team – resettlement & empowering Ukrainian refugees
e. E’mail addresses
7. Financial Report – accounts are currently with the internal auditor with a request that they are back for the meeting to formally adopt them. Also need to agree date for “Exercise of Public Rights” a period of 30 days in which public have a right to scrutinise accounts, must include first 10 working days of July. I suggest 13th June – 22nd July.
8. Zurich Insurance – renewal due 1st June, we entered into a five-year agreement in 2018 so we are moving into the final year.
9. Any Other Business
10. Date of next meeting – provisionally scheduled for Wednesday 13th July 6:30pm