May 2020 Minutes


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 28th May 2020

Due to Corvid 19 restrictions this meeting was held remotely, ratification and signing of previous minutes was therefore deferred until the next physical meeting.

Present; R. Gore (Chair), C. Hunt, S. Farrow, C. Cuckson, L. Hoggarth, D. Forrest

Apologies; Internet failure prevented the participation of D. Edwardson

09/20 Approval of the accounts for 2019-20 These had been circulated and two points of clarification had arisen;

  • Two payments into the bank had been recorded with the same slip number, this was because two cheques had been included in one envelope paid in via the post office.
  • Two entries in the “details” column had been recorded as “Mrs C. Cuckson” which was misleading as it had been reimbursement for money paid out for materials required for the VE Day 75 celebrations. It was agreed that these entries should be changed to “VE Day 75 celebrations”.

The cost of renovating the telephone box appeared low as one of the residents had donated the materials and volunteers had completed the work free of charge, the Parish Council expressed their thanks for this. The Clerk had checked with the internal auditor that these did not need to be shown in the accounts, the auditor confirmed that this was the case.

S. Farrow proposed acceptance of the accounts, the Annual Governance Statement and the submission of a Certificate of Exemption to the external auditors, seconded by C. Cuckson and unanimously agreed. The Certificate of Exemption would be signed by the Chairman and posted to the external auditors by the Clerk in advance of the June 30th deadline.

Action RG/GP

10/20 Exercise of Public Rights there was a legal requirement for the full accounts to be available for inspection by any parishioner for a continuous period of 30 working days to be completed before the 1st September. The Clerk suggested 13th July to 21st August as he would be available during the whole of this period. The dates were agreed and the Clerk agreed to ensure that any social distancing measures required under the Corvid 19 regulations were adhered to. The Clerk would publish the agreed dates.

Action GP

11/20 Donation to Marie Currie a request had been made to all Parish Councils for support to run the end of life care in the community provided by this organisation. It was agreed that most people knew of someone who had benefitted from this service and that it was an extremely worthwhile cause. S Farrow proposed a donation of £100, seconded by C. Hunt and unanimously agreed. The Clerk would arrange for a cheque to be sent.

Action GP

The date and format of the next meeting was left in abeyance due to the uncertain nature of the Corvid 19 restrictions.